Oh that is my dream house!

Oh that is my dream job!

Often-times we hear such exclamations from people or we say those ourselves.

Dreams are a huge part of our human existence, everybody dreams but very few have visions. That brings us to the problem most individuals are having today, they thought having a dream is what it takes to make it in life. They don’t seem to know that life is not all about how beautiful your dreams are but how ready they are to make their dreams reality.

I’ve heard so many people ask “What is the secret of success” such people have dreams to succeed in life but they lack the ingredient to make that dream a reality. What is that ingredient?

You! Yes you, you can achieve anything if you work well towards achieving it. It is only the lazy person who looks for a shortcut to success.


Take the steps, first by studying.

Also Read:

Also Read: FOUR (4) STEPS TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM: UNTOLD SECRET, Financial freedom is the dream of any individual alive.


  • Dream- dreaming about your tomorrow is a head starter to a brighter future, but don’t dream and pocket it but dream to:
  • Envision- I said earlier that everybody dream but very few have visions. Visions are very different from dreams it is your vision that determines the quality of your dream:
  • Set goals- It is either you are a goal setter or a goalkeeper! A goal setter set goals and look for ways to shoot the goal while a goalkeeper set goals but fantasies about the goal. A person without a goal in life is like a pilot without compass!
  • Work- I have never seen a lazy man succeed, and why? because success is only meant for those who struggle for it. Setting goals to achieving your dream(s) is not work hard to achieve those goals.

That is the food chain of success.

Dreams­­-Vision- Goals- Work- Success!

Dreams only comes true for those who wakes up early to pursue it!


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