Smiling woman pushing credit card at cash dispenser

Financial freedom is the dream of any individual alive. No matter the kind of business you engage in or the type of job you do, the utmost goal is to breakeven and become financially free. The success we desire, and the secret we seek each day.

Financial freedom is that state when your income exceeds your expenditure by a very large margin, this eventually leads to excessive saving this is why those who are financially free can afford any life style;

  1. go on an expensive vacation,
  2. buy expensive wears,
  3. buy exotic cars, and live in luxury.

The truth is, financial freedom is planned and can be obtained, by applying this simple steps;

4 sources of income geared to financial freedom.


Stack of coins from low to high.

1. Daily source of income:

Run any business that is capable of generating revenue on a daily basis for example; saloon (be it unisex or gender), a printing press, a retail shop, manufacturing industry, restaurant, café, Eatry.

2. Weekly source of income:

Run a business that is capable of generating revenue on weekly basis it could be a construction company, a hotel, printing press that does weekly editions of magazine, Rentals (canopy, chairs e.t.c), Night club.

3. Monthly source of income:

This is the popular kind of income which most people have tied their life to and think it will bring the financial freedom they desire. This kind of income comes only after 30 hectic working days, just one day after 30 days and its called salary. NA WAOOOOH!

4. Yearly source of income:

This is that business that will yield revenue after 365days. Example of this kind of business is real estate; investment on bonds and stocks but this time for the long run, its yield is usually massive due to accumulated profits.
If you combine the revenues from these four businesses there is no way you won’t attain financial freedom it’s a golden rule which has been tested, even witchcraft from your village can’t stop you.

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