know your self! your true credit to depositphotos

Your identity goes far beyond your name and appearance; it involves the intrinsic definition of who you are it entails;

  1. Your core values
  2. Character
  3. conviction

You should be able to stand up for your value(s), character and believes because that’s the true you, stop being defined by the pressure of your peers or the pressure of life, when you understand your identity you begin to make life happen rather than life making you happen, ‘’make the system work not the system making you work’’, especially as a youth. what are your:

  • Strength
  • Weakness
  • Convection


your mind is a mine of energy.

What are those things you can do with ease, what is/are the gift[s] you have, what are those things that gives you joy internally, the things you can do even without reward, put all of them down bulleting each be plain (the worst thing you can do to yourself is to lie to yourself, even a vision which is not plain may not succeed), Those are your strengths, your strengths are what keep you up when life is down, you feel it inside  like the glucose given to an athlete after a sprint or a race, your strengths replenishes you when life shows the dark side, your strength makes you unique.


what breaks the flow of energy in you?

What are those things you don’t like doing, those things that gives you stress, those things you can’t do without reward , are you too emotional?, are you easily angered?, do you cooperate with others easily? What are those things that disgust you, makes you feel uncomfortable as they could lessens your hope, charisma, courage and confident. I advise you get a mentor for proper result.


let your conviction lead, be specific.

“Discretion shall preserve you, understanding shall keep you”. Do you believe in yourself? What evidence has lead to you believing yourself? W

hat evidence has lead to you believing yourself? What conviction do you hold about the future? Do not let people force their fears on you, making you uncertain on issues, problem etc, let their fears not be your fears, and let their convictions not be yours, see your strengths watch your weakness and observe to see a meeting point, this will define your conviction. Be in charge of your life.


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5 Responses

  1. Artur Biela says:

    Augustine zarabianie w sieci jest mozliwe! sam sie o tym przekonalem jak znalazlem odpowiednie sposoby:

  2. Igein David says:

    I love this website

  3. John Okwajebi says:

    This article makes lots of sense

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