Nigeria, a land of diverse culture and opportunity

Nigeria Politics a system which our fore fathers fought and gained for the good of the country has been messed up. What now exist is a game of family and individual pocket. What a mess.

The politicians are too greedy and selfish that the interest of the nation only exists on paper. No sector of the country is worthy to be praised after fifty-seven (57) years of independent. My question now is; are we truly independent?

Education sector has been polluted that the quality of education youths received will leave them unemployed or underemployed.

We are not healthy enough to fight. what about being creative? Is it when the stomach is empty you will think well to solve problems, Nigeria politics not encouraging to the youths.

The environment is too dirty the allocation for such project is yielding interest in a personal SWIZ account or UAE account of one lazy politician.

What about security? The rate of crime is increasing on a geometric rate. The sector has not meet up its goal.

Power nko! power generation  sector has failed to effectively generate and distribute enough power for consumption. The leaders don’t want the generator business to stop, enriching themselves.



Devastating state of the country!!!

The power and fund they easily loot has overtaken their thought. The youths have no opportunity to even come close.

No security, no health, increasing unemployment, no education and high cost of politicizing. What a disease.

Also Read: PARTY DEFECTION: DEMOCRACY AT STAKE! Party defection practices in Nigeria have become an attribute of Nigerian politics. Defection is an act of swapping political parties. It is an act of changing party allegiance or moving from one party to another. This term is termed in different schools of thought as; “Decamping”, “cross carpeting, “party hopping”, “party switching”, “party cross over’’, and  “canoe jumping”



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