Okpaleke Francis

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Poverty advantages. Finishing with First Class Honors and doubling as the Best Graduating Student from my Department that year. I felt the world was at my feet. I graduated with an aura of braggadocio and naturally felt my qualification would make employers jostle to have me. So I thought but life has a way of teaching all of us.

While at it, I made a U-turn to my Alma Mater to take up a lecturing role. I applied with the confidence that it was a straight ticket to automatic employment like the Federal Government promised. Days turned into weeks, no reply. Weeks became months, and months blossomed into a full year. Within this vicious cycle of torturous wait, I had written over 18 letters and earnestly followed up for what I thought was my ‘birthright’. Then came depression, frustration, despair and finally poverty. By poverty I mean ‘that seemingly perpetual state of lack without an inkling of hope in sight’. I was beyond broke. I was in debt and prayed daily for ‘manna’.


After 13 months of wait and 6 months ‘diploma’ in poverty, life completely humbled and reshaped me. I was ready for anything and learnt things no professor would have ever taught in the classroom. I picked up myself and set out to my Aunt’s place in Abuja. The following day, I followed her son to his place of work as early as 6am and sat down there waiting for everyone and the owner of the company to come. Armed with ‘poverty’ and a disposition that implied I was not leaving the office without a job. My persistence paid off and same day I got my first job. My take home pay was N 25,000. I got the job not because of my certificate but for the passionate and consummate hunger that ‘poverty’ earned me.

Poverty was and is still my good teacher. I accepted this job with the whole of my heart. This was the job that gave me the quantum leap in life. Where I am today started from that job, what I became however started from poverty. Poverty made me see beyond the ‘First Class’ certificate and qualification. It gave me a fresh and immeasurable impetus. I became my becoming. Till date, poverty is my gentle reminder that where I am is cumulative of the years of humble beginning and there is no job I cannot do and none I have not done.

Poverty was my wilderness experience to greener pastures.

Through poverty I have learnt that you can make an “A” in school and get an “F” in life.

CHECK OUT: WHAT YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT SUCCESS! Every day comes with its own blessings and uncertainties too. We are involved in the revolution of the world but it’s a pity that some persons feels the act of making contributions to these revolution are left to the “extra ordinary” people or persons.

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1 Response

  1. Marek says:

    Hej Augustine, szczerze polecam oferte biura projektowego Sztuka Ogrodowa z Warszawy. Bardzo podoba mi sie ich profesjonalizm.
    U mnie zrobili super robote i jestem bardzo zadowolony z rezultatu (moge podeslac kilka zdjec mojego ogrodu)
    link do ich strony: http://sztuka-ogrodowa.com.pl/

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