success involves conquering your obstacles.

Success has been defined in several ways and also viewed from different schools of thought. The path to success all have similar trait hence the big question why are you not successful yet?

ask your questions don’t live with it


Every day comes with its own blessings and uncertainties too. We are involved in the revolution of the world but it’s a pity that some persons feels the act of making contributions to these revolution are left to the “extra ordinary” people or persons. This set of people end up being viewers or tools to the transformers. These is why you can find two friends in the same level in an organization but the achievements made by one surpasses the other. These is no magic it’s a measure of the degree of utilization of the available resources.

Envy or jealousy towards such people is of no need. They have simply obeyed the law of nature accepting the negatives and disappointments and turned them to fuel which have propelled them to the heights we  now see as impossible. who told you so? If you do same you will beyond doubt attain such height if not even more.

There is no age barrier to attaining these success, age could be a mark of length of life but it does not directly stand for achievement or contribution to life and that is why we have failed parents or bitter parents. As a youth must belief in yourself, identify your true personality, your identity and run towards success.


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